SRC Parliamentary Council approves the formation of UNRC; new constituencies have been formed

The 12th KNUST SRC Parliament has at their first sitting of the 2nd session approved the new UNION OF NON RESIDENTIAL CONSTITUENCIES (UNRC) constitution which sought to clearly demarcate and show boundaries between constituencies.

The formation of the UNRC will help solve the many issues of the Non-Residential caucuses as it becomes difficult knowing who does what and who is who. Following this, it has been granted for the creation of new constituencies for this year's electoral process which implies the addition of two new members to parliament.

Rt. Hon Christian Anderson, Speaker of Parliament KNUST SRC

This means that we now have seven (7) constituencies under the non-re caucus three (3) more than the previous number for the caucus in parliament. We now have:

1. Campus

2. Ayeduase North

3. Ayeduase South

4. Bomso-Ahinsan

5. Kentinkrono-Ayigya

6. Kotei Gyinyase

7. New site Boadi 

Aspirants however have been notified by this to make provisions for such amendments in the 2021 SRC General elections

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