KNUST Centre for Business Development Crafting Future Student Entrepreneurs

The unemployment issue in Ghana keeps on skyrocketing by the break of day. In as much as scarcity of jobs is becoming a societal norm, many are those who keep on enrolling in university. These students, at the end of their four years, have just degrees to show off, making the various universities in the country craft just degree holders. That might sound disappointing, but just consider yourself an exemption from unemployment as long as you are a student of this noble institution, KNUST. The inception of the Centre for Business Development is a beacon of hope and opportunity to students in KNUST that dream to be more than mere degree holders. The Centre for Business Development guides students towards a future where innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship thrive. At the heart of the CBD`s mission lies a commitment to crafting futures - futures that extend far beyond graduation day. Here students are not merely educated; they are empowered to become architects of their d...