ABC Assents Mid-Semester Bill; SRC Parliament Passes The Obuasi Students Act

Adu-Baah Charles, KNUST SRC President The KNUST SRC President, Master Adu-Baah Charles (ABC) has assented the Mid-Semester Bill which was brought before him by the office of the Speaker of the SRC Parliament last month together with the Obuasi Students Representative Act. [For your publicity, info tip, event coverage, massive hype, an agenda Personality? Contact us 0237380243 or follow us on twitter via KNUST TigerEye Media Inc. ] The KNUST SRC Parliament has debated on the Mid-Semester Bill for some time now but a decision has been arrived at as all delays have been dealt with for the Bill to be passed. The Act enforces that there should be a one (1) week break after mid-semester examinations for both semesters. First semester break will be dedicated to the various Colleges and department week celebrations whiles the second semester breaks will cater for the residential Hall week celebrations. The Act again stipulates that all associations are mandated to present t...