CANaRSA-TRATECH Unveils New Logo

The CANaRSA Trade and Technology (TRATECH) committee has officially unveiled the TRATECH-CANaRSA logo for all its official duties. The official logo which comes in a circular form is made up of several distinct elements. The slogan of the committee ( A New Innovative Era!! ) is embossed directly below the banner folded artistically in three parts around the base of the circle . These elements are apposite to the supreme objective of the committee. CANaRSA-TRATECH involves the use of trade and technology to increase the overall agriculture production income. The technology also explores the use of various machines in post and pre-agricultural production to ease the work. Apps and softwares which would help students sell their produce easily are all factored into the project. Speaking with the chairman of the CANaRSA-TRATECH committee, Master Shadow Enoch Detlef, he stated explicitly that the project as launched is to enable students of the college efficiently blen...