Mahmud Abdul Waliu Kabore endorses the candidature of Ken Kafui Kwameh and his vice Miss Bridget Maame Dentu

*THE RETURN OF SOME CORRUPT LEADERS AND STUDENTS; A CASE STUDY OF HAPPENINGS IN CoHSS.* I’ve been in KNUST and I’ve been monitoring the political terrain for 3 years and I’m very familiar with quiet a lot; that is not to say I’m ‘Mister Know All’. Over the years a couple of us have seen and witnessed our political system tampered with by hands outside the school, people who call themselves or have grown to be known as so called ‘Political gods’; some, themselves, have never appeared on a ballot sheet nor screen before while others are also failed and corrupt past leaders who have no better legacy to show. These are people who have completed school and one would expect they will use their energy and wisdom to get a descent job or get something better doing other than using gullible and greedy student politicians like themselves as chess pieces on chessboards to thwart our systems and get corrupt leaders who they can control elected into power. Their influences over the years have m...