Chairman for the UNRC Receives petition from Tracy Antwiwaa Darfuor to provide Pharmacy Facility at GAZA

Tracy Antwiwaa Darfuor Dr. James Osei, the chairman for the Union of Non-Residential Constituencies has been served with a petition for the provision of a pharmacy facility at GAZA for students who reside in that vicinity Students who reside at GAZA - Anglican Hostel, Suncity, Georgia, Wilkado, Banivillas and a host of others are occasionally forced to visit the Kentinkrono township or Ayeduase newsite to get a pharmacy to fulfil their medical needs. This issue has been one not to write home about for years. Students however on several occasions have complained to student leaders to resolved the situation. Miss Tracy Antwiwaa took it upon herself to write to the Chairman of the UNRC to come to the aid of his constituents by providing them with a pharmacy facility to reduce problems like drug abuse by students as they self prescribe due to the lack of proper pharmacy in the area and result in dire situations. In her petition, she made reference to a situation recently where a...