Wofa Kwabena Adu-Gyamfi congratulates Michael Abuah (KNUST SRC President elect)

Wofa Kwabena Adu- Gyamfi - GRASAG President Elect My heartiest congratulations to you on being elected as the SRC President. I wish you success as you prepare to take up the responsibilities and challenges of your high office. As you prepare to embark upon your new responsibilities, I wish to assure you and the entire SRC the continued friendship and sympathetic interest of the SRC and GRASAG. I look forward to working with you not only to develop closer relations between SRC and GRASAG but also to concert our efforts in the cause of championing the collective interest of the students we serve. Signed. Wofa Kwabena Adu- Gyamfi. GRASAG-KNUST President elect.