“Your name will be an enduring splotch in the history of KNUST SRC if you serve well” - Awuah Joseph to Samuel Sesah

Awuah Joseph (AJ) Awuah Joseph (AJ) a 2020 graduate of the department of sociology KNUST has a few words to the KNUST SRC President elect, Mister Samuel Sesah: Serve in the interest of the entire students of KNUST in your one-year term and your name will forever be an enduring splotch in the history of KNUST SRC. It’s a new day in KNUST, a day of brighter hope and a day of greater expectations! This year, gobs of students matched to the polls because there is work to be done and obligations to be met - obligations to truth, to justice, to liberty and the service of KNUST. Students who have never voted in campus elections made their votes count this year for a novelty. I yen the SRC President-Elect, Samuel Sesah to work ardently with his elected and appointed executives in order to serve the general populace of KNUST like never before. Let the principle of integrity and the breath of authenticity that I have always seen in you steer your administration. GoodLuck! Awuah on his four year ...