
Showing posts from February 28, 2021

KNUST: Potential campus MP aspirant appreciates hardworking security men on campus

The Independence Hall Vice President Abdul Manaan Kareem has donated food items to all campus security for the enormous work they undertake as students and people go about the duties on campus without fear of harm. The nice gesture was done to appreciate the security officers for protecting the student populace. He explained his reason for gifting them the food by saying that students living in hostels have difficulty in learning with the motive that they will be attacked by criminals and and get looted off their possessions. With the deligent work which is done by the securities, students can study at the various learning commons within the confined areas of the school.  Students usually find it difficult in studying at dawn and night, they can now do so with the help of the security officers by protecting them in their endeavors. The security officers indeed has put in much effort in fighting for the rights of students and deserve recognition.  - Story by: Ahima Gideon/KNUST...


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