
Showing posts from April 24, 2021

University Hall President MDD Set to resign or face impeachment after Hall Council Meeting

Martin Darko Dankwah, University Hall President  The President of the most powerful and popular Hall of residence on KNUST campus who was accused of money extortion has been found guilty of charges labeled against him as affected appointed executives apologize for wrong use of medium to channel their grievances  After the affected executives took their issues to the media, the name of the most prestigious Hall was dragged in the mud. The executives however have apologized in a letter addressed to the hall administration on the mode of channelling thier grievances. But the indicted Hall President Martin Darko Dankwah after an emergency council meeting which was held to address the issue at hand was given the choice of resignation or face impeachment. All monetary extortions are to be paid in full in due time. Once again..the fellows have proven  to be completely against any kind of corruption..they pride themselves with the motto..REST NOT!!!


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