I am Emmanuel Aryeetey, a second year student pursuing Business Administration (Marketing and International Business) at the KNUST Obuasi campus. I am an hopeful aspirant for the SRC FINANCIAL SECRETARY in this year's ( 2021) general election.I believe that, the voices and concerns of the students must be prioritize by the university's administration. A way of enhancing this very goal, I thought it wise to provide a means by donating a SUGGESTION BOX to the University's administration in Obuasi through the incumbent SRC executives led by Master Joshua Ntim Gyimah. This I believe will bring to the table and notice of the management many challenges facing the lovely Students in Obuasi.To my fellow students, I will urge us all to make judicious use of this avenue provided to enhance development on our campus. # Emmanuel Ayeetey # Financial Sweet # Accountability with integrity .