UPDATE: I am Safe let Everyone Stay Calm; Missing Sudanese MasterCard Scholar Speaks

The KNUST TigerEye Media Inc. after an earlier post released yesterday concerning the missing Sudanese MasterCard Scholar decided to do thorough investigations about the said missing gentleman. This came up after he released an official communique about him taking a personal decision to withdraw as a Mastercard foundation Scholar in KNUST on the WhatsApp group page of international students. We however discovered early this morning that, Mr Ding Ding, the alleged missing MasterCard Foundation Scholar is in safe hands outside Kumasi and as in when he is ready to talk to anyone, he will come to Kumasi and will address everyone in detail. " Good morning fellas, by the time you read this I will be off. I moved out of Kumasi to cool off from some issues with the office, please I’m safe lets everyone stay calm. When I’m ready to talk to anyone, I will come to Kumasi and I will address you all in details. Thank you Good night. Diing Diing ❣️ " He disclosed this to ...