Good morning world! It’s a good thing to wake up to a beautiful world but it taste awful to realize that the sole aim of certain individuals is to control the uncontrollable forgetting that at any point in time, we have a few discerning individuals who actually put the words of people under a microscope to unmask the masked. This is what I call the “Bright darkness in a blissful doom”. Yesterday will go down in the political history books of KNUST as one of the days lies and impudent characters were outdoored by some certain individuals whose wish is to lead a faction. We all woke up to see a beautiful thing happening around campus but what we didn’t see was the faces behind that act. Once again, the Killers of goodwill behind the shadows of fame. It was Thomas Jefferson that once said that “Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct”. I do not seek to tarnish any good repute but I wouldn’t wish that these self-centered individuals would ri...