An aspirant for the SCISA FINANCIAL SECRETARY , Michael Kwabena Ampomah , has picked up nomination forms for the 2022 elections which come off on the 27th of July. Michael picked his nominations forms at the dean of the student office through the SCISA Electoral Commission. He was accompanied by members of PYSAG Caucus MKA is seeking to contest in his second coming when SCISA goes to the polls later this month. We are one step closer to achieving the goals we set for ourselves last year. Our definitive goal was to ensure that every SCISAN comes to a good understanding on the financial status of the association. The message of accountability in diversity was our message of hope to everyone ,however the polls did not favor us last year. We do not give up, where I come from and so I am together with you reechoing the message of accountability in diversity. Earlier yesterday, I humbly picked nomination forms from the office of the SCISA Electoral Commissi...