JUST IN: Sesah and Morris unveil F. A. B. E; a Policy to boost emotional support for students through KNUST counseling program

The camp of the 2020 KNUST SRC presidential election strong contender Master Samuel Sesah and Morris Effah has released another strong policy which bothers on the general health of students. In their release they stated that: π SESAH-MORRIS CAMPAIGN HQ ——————————————— POLICY 201: ACADEMIC POLICY THE F.A.B.E AGENDA π 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 Health is defined as a state of complete physical, emotional and psychological wellness of a person and not just the abscence of diseases. Our focus as a team aligns with that of the Counselling unit which entails F- inancial, A- cademic B -ehavioural and E- motional stress alleviation. This is where THE F.A.B.E AGENDA comes in. —————————————————————————— OBJECTIVES This initiative when rolled out will foster the funtion of the SRC-PEER COUNSELING UNIT. It will provide emotional comfort and therapy sessions for individuals struggling with issues outside their academic life. —————————————————————————— IMPLEMENTATION ...