
Showing posts from December 15, 2020

FOG Events Ghana Calls off Zanzama 2020, Promises an Exciting event in 2021

The organizers of  popular and colorful campus based street art festival, Fog Events have released an official communique informing the general Public that Zanzama 2020 will not come off due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Single Page letter read that, the Event was canceled as a result of the closure of campuses due to the COVID-19 outbreak as well management's decision not to resort to a virtual event. The Events organizers further stated that, management is all poised and will keep in touch to dish out more information about Zanzama 2021 which promises to be an amazing and an exciting one. Zanzama is a colorful street art festival organized and managed by an event house call FOG Events Ghana. It  incorporates the likes of muscle flexing, face painting, live painting, fashion show, sculpture display and several other works of art. The event is aimed at giving artist all forms at the tertiary level a platform to showcase their craft, motivate them, and then connect them to the ...


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