We Will Redeem The Image Of TekTalk; ABC Assures Students

KNUST SRC President Adu-Baah Charles, KNUST SRC President has assured students that the good image of the SRCs flagship program - TekTalk will be redeemed with a mind blowing program next semester as they plan on a much more better TekTalk [For your publicity, info tip, event coverage, massive hype, an agenda Personality? Contact us 0237380243 or follow us on twitter via KNUST TigerEye Media Inc .] Giving his speech at the second state of the SRC Address today at the IDL conference room, Master Adu-Baah Charles accompanied by his vice Master Nazir Yusif gave students a new hope by promising an improved TekTalk. After a series of backlash from students and stakeholders, the SRC has been moved to improve upon their performance at the last TekTalk. He went on to talk about the SRC Technology Challenge. He announced to the students that it has reached its final stage. And that the final contest will be held next semester to pitch winners for incubation and training. Speaking ...