Heartfelt Gratitude: Miss Kaara Sherifa of Land Economy One [1] Found

Pursuant to our early post about the missing First Year Land Economy Student, Miss Kaara Sherifa. Nerves have been calmed after information reaching the news desk of KNUSTTigerEye media inc. that the said Lady have been found. After several attempts by friends and family members to reach out to her on both calls and SMS after her sudden disappearance, Miss Kaara Sherifa in a WhatsApp text revealed to her closed friends she is home now and is in safe hands. We at KNUSTTigerEye media inc. will like to thank all those who helped spread the news during those furious times to save our beloved student's life. Keep logged on with the KNUSTTIGEREYE media inc. as we drop full details of the incident soon, after having an interactive session with her. Story by: Dachaga Batiey Roger/ KNUSTTIGEREYE