SRC President Samuel Sesah assents “THE SRC HEALTH SUPPORT FUND BILL, 2021”
Master Samuel Sesah, the KNUST SRC President has assented THE SRC HEALTH SUPPORT FUND BILL, 2021 which was passed by the SRC Parliamentary Council over a week ago but was sent back to parliament for further review and clarification Monday February 8, the SRC President, Samuel Sesah and the Business committee of the 12th KNUST SRC Parliamentary Council, under the leadership of Rt. Hon Christian Anderson, through Honourable Doreenda Delali, the General Secretary of CABESA laid the SRC HEALTH SUPPORT FUND BILL, 2021 before Parliament. Rt. Hon Christian Anderson, Speaker 12th Parliament With the health and welfare of the students in mind, this bill was passed and it intends to give support to students battling health issues but with no or little financial support for treatment. Students lives have been lost, and others have ended up in worst situations, cutting short their education. Master Samuel Sesah, and his government has through this bill made an attempt to "defy the odd"...