KNUST Collaborates with GAF to train Quality Health Professionals.

George and Angelina Owusu Foundation (GAF), an NGO has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology at the Council Chamber on 23rd November, 2020.The MoU will help to train high calibre of health professionals. GAF is an NGO with the vision to impact lives in Ghana through healthcare initiatives, primary and elementary and economic development. The GAF with the requisite facilities for training, service and research would allow personnel from KNUST to undertake clinical training at its facility and offer service provision to patients. Also, as part of the agreement, GAF will lead fund-raising activities with KNUST to establish advanced special research and clinical care facilities. The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Mrs Rita Akosua Dickson mentioned that KNUST values the great relationship with its partners, therefore, tries its very best to build on the existing ones and create avenues for more. She, thus, commended...