SRC Parliament wins case against All Faculty Presidents; SADR Act 2019 induction lifted

The SRC Judicial Council Chairperson in exercising the powers of a sole adjudicator under Article 60 of the Constitution granted an interim injunction on 11th October 2019 to halt the passing of the said Act until a full hearing has been set. KNUST SRC Parliamentary Council Logo All faculty Presidents filed a suit action to invoked the original jurisdiction of the court under Article 51(1)(b) of the KNUST SRC Constitution 2011 (As Amended) seeking to challenge the constitutionality of the Flat Rate Act passed by the SRC Parliamentary Council. The case was heard on Sunday, 20th October lasting for 8 hours and judgement read on Tuesday evening. The petitioners of the case alleged during hearing that the said bill which was passed into law was unconstitutional as it breached Articles 44(2) and 44(6) of the Constitution. Counsel for the defendants denied these claims and stated emphatically that the passage of the bill in no way breached the said provisions and that the Act sou...