KNUST:Less Security at night for residents both on and off campus.

Security has been an issue that the management of KNUST do not take lightly. Recently, there has been reports that most security officials on and off-campus and at vantage positions sleep on duty or worse abandon their posts. 

Recently, the security of students living both on and off campus has been lax. Students through various channels and means have continuously voiced their woes and challenges to the appropriate bodies on the need to tighten security especially during night time.

It has been reported that some KNUST security men, who are supposed to be on duty to protect the lives of students both on and off campus at various vantage points in the school have left their posts unattended to especially at night leaving the lives of students in the hands of assailants and unscrupulous people.

It is on record that non-residential students report a lot of security challenges like robbery attacks, sexual harassment, etc. than those hosted on campus. This is due to the fact that there is inadequate accommodation on campus, thus majority of the continuing students about 90% reside outside campus, specifically at Ayeduase, Kotei, Kentinkrono, Bomso and Boadi. 

The security off campus is so poor and unreliable hence putting the innocent student lives in danger and at risk especially when students use the roads in the above named areas at night.

These challenges have led to a number of questions about student safety. Speaking to facts, there seem to be no straight answers for these happenings. For concerned parents, families and students, there will be just questions and anger.

Negatively, these challenges really affect the academic and social life of most students since the students are now responsible for their own security.


Story by: Appiah Prince/KNUST TigerEye


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