Augustine Boahene petitions CoE PROVOST over the state of the waiting at the college

Augustine Boahene

Augustine Boahene, a Geological Engineering  student has petitioned the College of Engineering provost to refurbish the waiting area behind the Petroleum building at the college of engineering after months of it being in a deprived state

The canvas over part of the structure has been removed by heavy rainfall exposing that part to direct sunlight. Students find it difficult to use the structure ever since it became uncomfortable to use. Speaking to one of our reporters, Augustine Boahene indicated that, most students use that structure for other important purposes which includes learning and charging of their electronic devices. He voiced out that students are being forced to either go to their hostels or halls to wait for the next class

The change maker then submitted his petition to the PROVOST of the College and other dignitaries at the college of engineering about the state of the waiting at the college. He however indicated that he will serve as the people's voice always.


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