KNUST Freshmen Ruled Out Of Upcoming SRC Elections

Andrew Anokye Kyeremateng - ISRC EC

Freshmen on the campus of KNUST will not be permitted to exercise their franchise in the upcoming KNUST SRC Elections according to Andrews Anokye the Interim Electoral Commissioner for the ISRC.

The much anticipated race to glory for various SRC Portfolios is fast approaching and as expected this has caused a massive change in atmosphere on campus  turning campus into a cocktail of academics and campaign, putting both students and mostly candidates on edge.

The election which was supposed to take place last academic year was postponed due to the outbreak of the Novel Corona Virus. Reopening of schools meant the election of student leaders by the student body must take effect but first year students will not be allowed to express their opinion due to the fact that the electoral processes begun without them and this should end without them. This makes every first year student ineligible to take part in the upcoming SRC elections.

Speaking in an interview with Focus Fm, the interim electoral commissioner stated emphatically that the freshmen are excluded from this exercise.


Story by: Sackey Andrew/KNUSTTigerEye

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