KNUST’s Long Serving Team Masseur Has Died After Close To 30 Years Of Service

Mr Winfred Awadzi

The sports directorate of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST) has lost one of its most loyal servants, Mr Winfred Awadzi to death, our outfit can confirm.

Mr Winfred Awadzi, who has worked at KNUST for close to thirty (30) years was confirmed dead in the late hours of Monday night after a short illness.

Affectionately known as ‘Dr Awara’ owing to his exceptional discharge of multiple duties as the masseur of the sports team, he also performed roles as an unofficial physical trainer for the athletes during GUSA organized competitions.

Coach Awara, who was due to go on pension next year was also in charge of stores and all other sports equipment at the KNUST’s sports directorate including the famous Paa Joe Sports Stadium.

According to sources within the family, Coach Awara complained of a heart problem and died shorty after being rushed to TECH Hospital late on Monday night.

He buried his father not long ago and has now passed on at the age of 58.




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