A Delegation from Unity Hall-KNUST Turns up for Final Funeral/Burial Rites of the late Selase Doh at Ho

 A Delegation from Unity Hall-KNUST, the hall of residence of the Late Wisdom Selase Doh and several comrades from the University community have paid their final tribute to the late former President of the Unity Hall J.C.R who met his untimely death after a short ailment at his hometown, Ho.

The late Selase Doh described by many as a humble soul pursued and completed a four year degree program in Agricultural Engineering during his stay in KNUST. He however could not finished his service to the nation before death laid its cold hands on the powerful Continental. Selase is the only child of his mom, and as it stand now Martha Emefa Akilgo will have no biological child at her confort.

The Delegation from the wine blood fraternity featured both present and past students of the Hall as well as executives and non-executives of the Hall. Present was the former Gen. Secretary to the Hall, Christian Ntiful Anderson, and the cadet corps of KNUST who conducted a parade to wave a farewell to the fellow Technocrat. A five minute morale session was also held to fulfill the tradition of the Hall. 

The Delegation in its quest presented a citation to the Mother of the deceased in honour of the good works of the Late Wisdon Selase Doh to the Unity Hall.

The Citation reads,

"Citation in honour of Wisdom Selase Doh for your exemplary service to Unity Hall As J.C.R PRESIDENT. 

We appreciate your immense efforts in upholding and preserving the name of this great hall in executing your duties as Hall President. 

Your diligence and commitment to raising the standards of  Leadership has been exceptional. Unity Hall is forever grateful for your invaluable service to the hall during your tenure of administration. We pray for God's blessing for you and wish you very well in your future endeavours"

Story by: Dachaga Batiey Roger/KNUSTTigerEye

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