KNUST: Independence Hall to host “Indece Hall Talk” on Instagram this Friday


Independence Hall, KNUST 

The Junior Common Room (JCR) Committee for the pace setters -  Independence Hall has issued a statement informing its members and the entire student populace of an upcoming talk with a prolific personality in Ghana.

The JCR in their release earlier this morning declared that the talk which has been scheduled to take place this Friday will be on the theme LOOKING BEYOND COVID-19, THE ROLE OF STUDENTS IN OUR SOCIETY which will be happening on the Hall’s Instagram page at exactly 7:55pm on Friday.

Members of the hall and the general public have been entreated to watch the Indecetalk on Independence Hall Instagram page

The release however failed to mention the guest for the talk but affirmed that the said personality is a believer of God with a strong desire to make a difference. The JCR however hinted that he went to Aggrey Memorial Secondary School and he is a graduate of University of Ghana.


Story by: Kaakyire Amponsah/KNUSTTigerEye Media Inc.

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