"I will Push for a Legislation to Regulate University Hostel Pricing". Oforikrom Parliamentary Candidate for NDC Pledges

The NDC  Parliamentary Candidate for Oforikrom Constituency, Hon. Henry Osei-Akoto has lamented over the unending exorbitant hostel prices suffered by students of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in his constituency. The Honourable Aspirant and former student of the University stated how hotels owners increase prices outrageously every year to extort students who have no alternative than to resort these same hostels.

The Honourable Aspirant in his quest of  unseating the current Member of Parliament of the constituency pledged that a vote for Henry Osei-Akoto is a vote for a push for regulation of KNUST hostel prices and by extension, a general university hostel pricing in Ghana.

He further stated that Parliament is the only legally binding institution that exercises oversight on a wide-range of issues. And as an MP for Oforikrom he will send the grievances of these students in his constituency with regards to the exorbitant hostel prices to Parliament and ensure that rent control is rejuvenated to curb the menace.  

Story by: Dachaga Batiey Roger/KNUSTTigerEye

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