College Of Engineering Holds An Orientation Programme For Its New Faculty Members

The College of Engineering, KNUST, Kumasi has organised a day's induction ceremony for it's newly employed members of staff. The aim of the ceremony as per custom is to educate members on lectures and examination issues, developing careers in academics, and the nitty gritty of the University as an administrative system. Other discussions made included; social issues affecting new lecturers, researchers and administrative tips on beginning with a good note.
Professor Mark Adom-Asamoah, Provost, College of Engineering

Prof. Mark Adom-Asamoah, the provost of the college in his overview stated that, the induction ceremony was put together to enable the new fellows settle down quickly and get acclimatise into the University System. He added that the programme forms part of the mentorship programme at the College.
He emphasised the need for mentees to interact frequently with the mentors who have been assigned to them. He also motivated the new staff to feel free to interact with all the Professors in the college regardless of the fact that they may not be their assigned mentors. He further, entreated the participants to take the workshop seriously in order to know their rights and responsibilities as Senior Members of the University.
Mr. Benjamin Andoh

Retired Deputy Registrar of the University, Mr. Benjamin Andoh in his short presentation on Human resources related policies, and rights of staff", took the new staff through conditions of service, and promotion.
Professor George Yaw Obeng, Dean, Faculty of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering

Presenting on ‘University Structure and the Collegiate System’, Professor George Yaw Obeng, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering noted that the University exists to build on KNUST’s leadership as the premier science and technology University in Ghana and to be among the top ten Universities in Africa. Also, KNUST exists to advance knowledge in science and technology through creating an environment for undertaking relevant research, quality teaching, entrepreneurship, training and community engagement to improve the quality of life.  He, thus, urged the new staff to bear these values in mind in all their dealings. 

Other resource persons included the Dean of Students, Professor W.A. Agyare, Professor S.I.K. Ampadu, Professor Y.A. Tuffour Professor F.K. Forson and Mrs. Ida Saeed who is the College Registrar.


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