Article: Exercise Your Franchise And Say “Yes” To Violence Free Elections

Election is one way populace express how democratic their country is. The exercise paves way for electorates to participate in the process of governance. Election allows citizens to make their own choices and express their views with regards to how a country should be ran.

A citizen who is patriotic or has his/her country at heart would definitely engage himself/herself in election to get the best leadership for his or her nation. This is an election year and in not more than three weeks we will be going to the polls, what’s your say? What is in your mind, what are your thoughts? Are you thinking of exercising your franchise or not? If your answer to this, is contrary to the affirmative. Whom do you think should select leaders of this country for you, ruminate on it?

Imagine everyone deciding not to vote, how do we get the good leadership we are seeking for. Let’s change our mindsets and notions from the complacency in exercising our franchise and vote to elect the best leaders we have always yearn for.

Election is not about violence but should rather be peaceful. An effective choice making is led and accompanied by Peace so let’s stop all sorts of violence in this coming election so as to make an effective choice. We are Ghanaians and Ghana is all we have. Let’s keep it peaceful and enjoy the good things she has for us. Let us not attached so much loyalty to our political parties to an extend of going into the mud to win elections, remember politics came to meet us as people, we never came to meet politics so let us be careful in our political dealings.

Another thing I would encourage us to do is to vote for personalities and not political parties. We mostly get disappointed because we vote for political parties. Political parties will continue to do what they have always done but personalities will make changes and bring us the development we are seeking for.

It is in this time of election that we the youth are lured into all sorts of violence but this time round, let us not give a chance to be used, for we the youth are supposed to build our country and not tear it down, we  are supposed to cry out for peace and not violence, we are supposed to be leaders of change and not retard and destroy development, we are supposed to educate our people on peace and not allow our minds of peace  to be thwarted, we are supposed to be  a foundation on which a strong pillar of peace is built and not perturb an already conducive atmosphere of peace. We are supposed to let our demeanor speak peace and not violence.

Let’s rise!  youth of Ghana, say “no” to violence and embrace peace. 

The Author of this piece is Lonta Doris. Lonta Doris is a popular student activist who has taken herself to empower the youth through an intriguing project call Youth Reproductive Health Education Programs. She is a Communication Studies student of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology -KNUST, the most prestigious university of West Africa


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