Vice-Chancellor of KNUST Hints on a Probable "Phase Reopening" Plan for the 2020/2021 Academic Year

The Vice-Chancellor of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology - KNUST, Prof (Mrs.) Rita Akosua Dickson has revealed the plan put in place by the university management to kick start the 2020/2021 academic year in case the need arises.

The Vice-Chancellor made this revelation in her meeting with Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (WiSTEM) on the 3rd of September 2020, where a question was posed to her on plans for the next academic year. In her quest of answering the question, the Vice Chancellor stated that several consultations and strategic plans have been made by the university senior members and management to ensure that the abnormality precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic does not eat so much into the academic float set out by the university.

A Proposed plan, which the Vice-Chancellor termed as the "Phase Reopening " for the next academic year have been submitted to the government during a Vice-Chancellors Summit in a Zoom meeting by the university as a stand taken and will operate under those plans if given the green light. Gisting on the plan, the Vice-Chancellor briefed that, the plan which will be tallied with the various year groups, will have some and not all the students coming in at the same time, so as to enable them observe the various COVID-19 protocols.

The Professor also stressed on how hard the COVID-19 pandemic has hit the coffers of the university with Ghanaian Students and International Students owing the university of about GHC. 36 million and $1.4 million US dollars respectively, and not withstanding these dreadful financial statistics, the university still acted humanly and allowed these students wrote their Exams.
Story by: Dachaga Batiey Roger/ KNUSTTigerEye


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