Popular Sudanese MasterCard Foundation Scholar, Diing Diing Elected as President of MasterCard Scholars at KNUST

South Sudanese fourth year biochemistry student under the scholarship of MasterCard foundation has been elected as the president of MasterCard Scholarship Students Association at KNUST. 

It can be recalled that few months ago, Mr. Diing Diing sparked a lot of controversy and concerns on social media after he allegedly abandoned the scholarship scheme and left campus, insinuating the maltreatment of international Scholars by the lead of the programme at KNUST which caused the Sudanese embassy in Ghana to release a missing person’s statement.

A KNUST TigerEye Media Inc. publication that triggered and publicised the whole brouhaha of the missing Sudanese MasterCard Scholar went viral and got the attention of several people in the airwaves of the university and beyond.

The Sudanese technocrat who was pushing the “Action time!, all hands on deck" agenda in his race to the presidency of the MasterCard scholars at KNUST sailed through after he was finally elected as the president some days ago.

Mister Diing Diing will now be poised and have that power to create an accountable Scholars council as he has always cited his advocacy on his will not to turn out to be the usual political blueprint that diminishes after aspirants assume office. Will he deliver? Can he be circumspect in his dealings as he has spoken about?


Story by Dachaga Batiey Roger/ KNUSTTigerEye


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