SCISA President; Michael Abuah Makes Historic Female Appointments.

The College of Science president Master Michael Abuah has made a remarkable female appointments after assuming office fully despite the uncertainty surrounding the progress of academic work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For the first time ever in the history of College of Science Ms. Ama Kwartemaa Agyie Frimpong has been appointed the Senate speaker of the college together with Ms. Eghan Maame Ama Nyametsease and Ms. Ama Agyemang-Opambour Osei heading the Public Relations Office and the Judicial Committee respectively. Other female appointees have been made which sums up to a 14 female appointees.
Speaking with the KNUSTTigerEye media inc. Michael Abuah revealed that, this feat comes as one of his plans to build up on the already existing Women In Science (WISe) initiative by his predecessor Master Justice Appiah to empower the relevance of women as stakeholders in College of Science specifically.
Adding up to this, he said; "as a University that prides itself as being a hub of intellect, it is imperative that relevant stakeholders and Student leaders use their various capacities of influence albeit strategically to champion causes that seek to solve certain injustices that plague our society and even extends to our University space. It is no news that women have systemically been excluded especially from leadership roles not duly because of merit but stemming from various stereotypes that put the female gender in bad lights. It is in that same regard that we have a lot of women’s commissions in various departments and student associations to strategically champion and empower more women. The Women's commission is only as functional as the number of women with relevant stakes in the administration and that is why this is a solid win.
This is an awakening call to all executives and student leaders to also try to champion such causes and be very open to working with the less included gender especially when most meet the merit threshold, and most very importantly the very silent majority female populace with unharnessed and unscathed leadership potentials to actively engage in student leadership as various precedence have been set and its just a matter of initiative and taking bold steps to acquire the ends".

Story by Dachaga Batiey Roger/ KNUSTTigerEye


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