Unanimous Decision Annuls ISRC Act after Hearing; Referred to SRC Parliament for Proper Resolution

After series of legal banter between the applicant’s counsel and the legal team of the SRC, the five justices to the case ruled unanimously for the ISRC Act 2020 to be annulled

Earlier, the KNUST SRC President Mr Adu-Baah Charles signed an “Act” which was confused for an Executive Instrument  (EI) granting an Interim Committee the powers to act in the stead of the SRC to ensure continuity of the SRC as his tenure was done. This however didn’t sit down with students and caused a lot of legal battle amongst students

Later the week, the KNUST SRC was sued for passing an alleged “Illegal” Act which would have the power to act in the stead of the SRC. The court sat down late Sunday to hear the case, a after several legal debates, the court ruled unanimously in favor of the appellants. Further directed the SRC to pass the said Act to the Parliament for proper resolution. Justices who sat on the case were

Michael Gyan - SRC JC
Emmanuel Boama - SRC Deputy JC
Patrick Asumah
Isaac Ampomah

The SRC Parliament has also responded to the ruling of the court and pledging to adhere to the rules of the institution and to follow due process without fear of pressure


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