Ghana Association of University Administrators (GAUA), KNUST Local Chapter Donotes GHS 5,000 Worth of PPEs to KNUST Hospital. [Photos]

The Ghana Association of University Administrators KNUST Local on Wednesday 7th April presented sets of Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) valued GHS 5,000.00 to the health workers of the KNUST Hospital. The recent outbreak of COVID 19 left most frontline workers of the Ghana Health Service vulnerable to the disease due to inadequate logistics to fight the disease.

The association in their presentation believes, the donated items will aid in the fight against the Coronavirus disease and protect the health workers as well. The Association also urge everyone to practice and adhere to all the health precautions given by the Ghana Health Service in order to bring the spread under control. They added by calling on all Ghanaians to come on board to support the health service with resources, especially PPEs so that they can deliver the best to the public in such trying times.

Story by: Dachaga Batiey Roger/ KNUSTTigerEye


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