Good morning world! It’s a good thing to wake up to a beautiful world but it taste awful to realize that the sole aim of certain individuals is to control the uncontrollable forgetting that at any point in time, we have a few discerning individuals who actually put the words of people under a microscope to unmask the masked. This is what I call the “Bright darkness in a blissful doom”. Yesterday will go down in the political history books of KNUST as one of the days lies and impudent characters were outdoored by some certain individuals whose wish is to lead a faction.

We all woke up to see a beautiful thing happening around campus but what we didn’t see was the faces behind that act. Once again, the Killers of goodwill behind the shadows of fame. It was Thomas Jefferson that once said that “Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct”. I do not seek to tarnish any good repute but I wouldn’t wish that these self-centered individuals would ride on the doubt of the few who lack the ability to get their hands on the truth

One thing these people keep forgetting is that one does not become a star the day one become famous, but one become a star the day they allow their light do all the talking. It came to my attention that an SRC Presidential aspirant has taken the liberty to acknowledging himself as the chief solicitor for the roads around campus to be worked on. Is that really the case? I have some few questions for you all to ponder very carefully on and answer for yourselves. In an early post yesterday he claimed he was called to supervise the construction of the road but we’re not kindergarten kids for him to toy with our minds, we cannot accept this and demand an apology for that statement. That is a shame for an individual not to talk of the fact of him being a student to characterize himself as an overseer for a public project. This is a fraudulent misrepresentation and needs immediate attention. In what capacity was he called to supervise a public road? Such claims should not be entertained in any form and manner. As an aspiring leader of such a prestigious institution, such frivolous claims should not be uttered it classify students and the public as dimwit! Such slanderous statements are despicable to say the least. It’s obnoxious as to rouse moral indignation.

Did the Good Samaritan really threaten the interest of students by stating he would stop the road construction? On what authority will he do that? Can he stop something that has already ended? We need leaders with vision, people who are willing to sacrifice everything no matter the cost to them in order to keep our institution. Students don’t need story tellers, we don’t need glory seekers! Is it true he classified the association he want wants to head as “Some student bodies”? Utmost disrespect and disregard for the office. Has he pulled down those tweets? Why? Is he ashamed? This morning news came flashing in about an interview with the same person this aspirant claim is the contractor. Guess what he isn’t a constructor he’s just a mate of the caterpillar! So did he lie through his 32 teeth to us all? Have they actually been doing this since some days back? and have they actually done a lot of places in the oforikrom municipality?

So did the aspirant lie about him being the contractor? Did he lie about him championing the project? Claims of petitions being sent out have been made towards the road construction but why would he keep it a secret? No political points? Now let’s get to the facts! Every year, roads at Ayeduase and Kotei are graded and left like that, nothing is done to it and most continuing students can bear witness. As at now I believe most reports have about 4 different parties claiming ownership of the project. It’s been alleged that the KNUST SRC, the Assembly member for the area, the SRC aspirant and the Member of parliament are all factions claiming glory. But the real question is who has been doing it over the years without making it public? One cannot take pictures of it and parade around in this shameful glory.

I share in the dream of “The masses matter!” Also love the idea of “for God and for country”. Anything we do let’s do it for the good of all. Let’s not take glory for things we’ve not done and most importantly deceit is a moral crime!

NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER: The KNUST TigerEye Media Inc. distances itself from any article not written by us. We’re only a medium of publicity in this instance.
Thank you.


  1. Please can you explain to me further what you mean by independent, impartial and honest organization as stated in your opening paragraph?
    Are you not the same group which published that during the SRC vetting some group of students from one of the aspirates camp attacked Mr. Sessah which to my knowledge is fraudulent? How credible are you? Everybody who was present at the vetting can attest to the fact that both continentals and kantangees halted the process so why do you keep to one side? It is a matter of hatred? Or you belong to a particular camp?
    All of you are propagandist, I mean all of you.
    Call me Kunzure Daniel
    Level 300 political studies student.

  2. We can all the level of propaganda in these Students politics.
    If not under the Supervision o this Aspirants the who is the main channel? The MP? or who?.
    Tiger Eye please do a clear verification of your publication with no bias.

    Painting 3

  3. We can all the level of propaganda in these Students politics.
    If not under the Supervision o this Aspirants the who is the main channel? The MP? or who?.
    Tiger Eye please do a clear verification of your publication with no bias.

    Painting 3

  4. This story is full lacks focus and particularity ,it would have been better if you went straight to the point and state who is supervising this project


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