This year's vetting was an interesting one with a lot of expectation on the part of the Panel to scrutinise aspirants very well. With the vast experience the panelists have in student leadership, no aspirant was expected to have it easy. Indeed, all witnesses could testify that this panel was not a pushover, especially, the Women's Commissioner and Financial Secretary portfolios. It was during the General Secretaries that we witnessed the expression of wits. If one will be disappointed  by this vetting, it will certainly be on the Presidential aspirants because of the abrupt end the whole process came to.

I must say both aspirants for the General Secretary portfolio were not bad. Issues of technicalities associated with the office were clarified very well. It seems both candidates know what the office is about. We all know documentation is a very important requirement for an SRC General Secretary because of the nature of this job. So I was surprised when Stephanie Ofori Prempeh failed to submit her resignation letter as an attachment to the nomination forms. This nearly got her into trouble. Anyone that knows both candidates can testify that Stephanie is very active and vibrant while Matilda is calm and very patient. These traits were evident in their performances at vetting. While Stephanie kept on shouting and rushing, Matilda was very calm and relaxed. If communication is a relevant feature of a General Secretary, then Matilda was up by a mile.
However, it is believed that vetting does not win elections so I won't be surprised if this doesn't add or subtract anything. But in such times, there should be a case and reward for intellect. We cross our fingers as we await the verdict of the panel.
Scripted by Morgan Tesco


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