We aren’t angels nor perfect beings, but let us seek to make our place better, leaving remarkable marks before leaving here.
We may not be perfect or entirely neutral, but let’s try our best to be as objective and credible as we could in our deliveries. Let’s also be apt and faithful to decisions we make.

In human institutions like KNUST, with clear democratic political institutions set out, it is an obvious knowledge that all cannot ‘reason’ along a linear tangent. There may be divergent views and affiliations when it comes to decision making. In elections, it is predictable that people would have different views and supports for various aspirants/ candidates. In the course of doing any so, there’s the need to take precautions and learn very well.

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My past three-four year stay on campus, has thought me a few, but not all lessons. These I am poised to share in bits to us all.

Dear first year student supporting candidates, be as wise as you could. Build good brands for yourselves and protect them. You are possibly the next crop of student leaders. The same people you are helping today would decide on helping you also take leadership positions. Are you acting as one? Positioning yourself as a good leader, even as you are working with them in the team? Do your utmost best for them, your time would also come.

Dear aspirants, do not just be shakers of hands, but shakers of decisions with your intents to lead. I feel sad when I see nice gentlemen and beautiful ladies on our university campus, dressed neatly like wedding couple and just shaking hands without selling their messages. Sell your message along when you greet. For Christ’s sake, we are not doing *‘MEET AND GREET’.* Cardi B has left Ghana. If not, you’re just wasting your time, academics and dignity. Speak while you shake hands.

Dear aspirants and maybe or not, obsessed supporters, try your best to respect everyone, regardless if the person is in your camp or otherwise. You may need the person later. You may be in the same team tomorrow. You may work with the person tomorrow.

Dear aspirants and maybe or not, obsessed supporters, do not be too offensive out of obsession for the person you are supporting today. The table could turn tomorrow. If you just want to break the table or you intend to carry your plates in your hands to continue eating after the table turns, then I wish you well.

Dear aspirants, you need not to necessarily be offensive to the incumbent in order to win power. Sell a message and let the people buy. The people have the means (votes), they just need good products to buy, either to continue the good or do extra good. If there exist bad, then we make it good.

Dear aspirants, heaven and earth already exist, do not promise heaven on earth here. Avoid cheap rhetorics and unrealistic promises. *IT COULD BE DIFFERENT ON THE FIELD.* Be as practical as possible in your promises, policies. Some of us already almost know the extent of your muscle of capabilities as student leaders, don’t be over impressive.

Dear students (electorates) you are very free to choose who to be with and support. You are not restricted to support ‘Kofi’ by force in a race. You have the freedom to choose and do your best for who you have chosen. But, choose wisely. Be loyal and faithful to your positions of choice, it would surely pay off.

Dear one, in this electoral expedition, beware not to sink people’s integrity into saturated muddy waters. It’s an expensive asset for everyone. Don’t just shower indictments on it for your own parochial expediency. Be not used as stooges to kill dreams or prospects of people. It hunts.

Dear aspirants, note that the very positions you seek to occupy are not compensation awards, work hard for them. It’s something you really need, don’t relent on your pursuits, be committed greatly to that pursuit. Hold strong your armory and fight fiercely.

Dear aspirants, the political tag lines would do nothing good to you, but to sink and thwart your focus. It’s unhealthy to be tagging everyone walking and speaking with your opponent as opponent. For Christ’s sake, the person supporting you also has the right to make friends and be good to all.

Lastly, to those of you supporting aspirants with prospective appointments at hand, get a brand and some basic leadership qualities in addition to your ‘hard work’ for the team. Don’t come and complain about *”NTWEDIE”* tomorrow. Get a good brand in addition. Act like a good leader, even as a team member during the campaign. Don’t be the leader of dirty works and lies department, they won’t work with you when they win. That’s also looked at in making appointments.

I have more to share. Watch this space.

My personal philosophy is, *”sometime, the tenant may be richer than the landlord”*. Treat people well.

Scripted by;
Richard Amoh,
KNUST SRC Public Relations Officer.


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