BREAKING: KNUST SRC EC Chair warns Aspirants on Defacing Campus with Political Materials

The KNUST SRC EC Chairperson Master Philip Ofori-Atta has issued a warning to all aspirants on them defacing campus with political materials in a press statement issued some few minutes ago by his office condemning the act of aspirants.

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In a press statement, SRC Electoral Commission Chairperson expressed his dissatisfaction with the aspirants on how they are defacing the beauty of the campus with political materials. He however threatened the DISQUALIFICATION of aspirants whose materials would be seen henceforth from filing of nomination forms, stating that he will appreciate it if all materials pasted at unauthorized places on campus are removed with immediate effect. Failure to do so will trigger his office to disqualify such aspirants from partaking in this year’s elections.

Students and aspirants are to expect an explanation as the SRC EC Chairperson Master Philip Ofori-Atta would be giving out some explanations to this effect later this evening in a press briefing at the SRC conference room.
Story by: Kaakyire Amponsah/


  1. That's a very nice step taken,it's quite not normal to see a whole lot of flyers and posters at places where they should not be...pasted on trees,on the floor ,lecture rooms...almost everywhere.
    Thanks Chairman for this bold step to disqualify any aspirants who engages in such
    It's a defacial value to the best university in West Africa.


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