Benjamin Owusu Sarpong Aver his Intentions to run for CoHSS Presidency


Hello, comely students of the College of Humanities and social sciences (COHSS-KNUST), I befittingly greet you all. My name is Benjamin Owusu Sarpong (BOS), a third year Political Science student from the Department of History and Political Science and once read Sociology as my minor program as well.

The future lies with those wise political leaders who realize that the great public is interested more in government than in politics. I, Benjamin Owusu sarpong being an affiliate of the aforesaid kingly College which is also credited as the overpopulated College in KNUST, has over the years being steered by a passion to help our loved College reclaim its promises.

Today, I formally hail on the apprize students of this very College inclusive of, Faculty of social sciences, School of Business and faculty of Law to OFFICIALLY DECLARE my intention to you to match for the College President and to bespeak for your ardent support and help as well.
The few years I have dealt as a student leader back in Kumasi Academy and here in KNUST, has really hoisted my vast experience in leadership and the kind of leaders electorates want. It should be someone who is worthy of the truth, one who is ever ready to serve in the interest of the people and one who will set out as the right mouthpiece to advocate for the general populace. Taking into account the outlined qualities electorates figure, I ingloriously surrender myself to serve as the next president in line of all these expectancies to make our College a delightful one.

Our Cosset College, being eminently recognized in population but haltingly avowed in development as far as the Colleges in KNUST are concerned keeps me bothered, dreaming and hoping a lot can be done to raise the flag once again of which I know the power for this dream to come into reality lies in the hands of my dear electorates. For the mission ahead, which calls for selfless and devoted leaders this time around moved me choose the carol, THE TASK AHEAD which is an urgent call to duty leaving no student-affiliate of the college behind but by coming together and working together like never before to make the College reckon in all aspects of advancement and the best we can all think of, to make the dreams we all have a reality. With all ideas assembled, I believe the yet generation to come will once bethink on how their predecessors battled to leave a cocky legacy behind.
Today, I appeal to you to affix THE TASH AHEAD mission as I contest for the COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES PRESIDENT ’20 to help the College reclaim its promises and with that, a brighter day will soon come for the goal at the end is not just to win an election, but to Change Society.
Thank you.
Story by: Kaakyire Amponsah/KNUSTTigerEye


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