Judicial Chairpersons Should Be Accessible During Election Time - Lawyer Frederick Adu-Bonsrah

Lawyer Frederick Adu-Bonsrah - KNUST Alumnus 
The renowned law practitioner and an alumnus of the best University in West Africa- KNUST has asked all Judicial Chairpersons of the SRC to make themselves and their committee members available and accessible during election period.

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He made this comment whiles addressing a gathering of the various Candidates, Electoral commissioners and judicial Chairpersons under the auspices of the SRC this Saturday at the Institute of Distant Learning (IDL) conference room. The Lawyer stated emphatically that the Judicial Chairpersons and Electoral Commissioners are independent as provided in the SRC constitution so they should act as such and distant themselves from any political affiliations. He alleged that almost always Judicial Chairpersons are appointed out of "job for the boys". “Don't take bribes” he sternly sounded a word of caution to the audience. He asked all JCs to differentiate themselves from student politics.

The honorable man ended his speech by calling on the Judicial Chairpersons to know their substantive laws as a judicial Chairperson and act accordingly for students don’t forget!


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