KNUST SRC: Judicial Council Issues A Legal Reform; JC Swears In Council Members

The KNUST SRC Judicial Council 
The KNUST SRC Judicial Chairperson has sworn in the judicial council at an inauguration ceremony which happened some few weeks ago at the SRC conference room. The Judicial Council will comprise of the SRC Judicial Chairperson, all college Judicial Chairpersons, Halls of residents Judicial Chairpersons, the Local NUGS Judicial Chairperson and the GRASAG Judicial Chairperson.

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His Lordship Michael Gyan - KNUST SRC JC
The Council members upon their first meeting reached an agreement for a reform in the legal processes in the students administration. His Lordship Michael Gyan has assented to the reforms.  The reforms will be a baseline for students and student lawyers. They are as follows:

1. Parties to a case are to provide written submissions before a hearing.

2. Written judgements are to be typed and presented within four days for regular cases and 2 days for emergency situations.

3. Law firms are to be registered at no cost. Legal Affairs Commissioners are exempted from registration. However, a group which is not registered and wants to represent a case after the registration period can do so at a cost.

4. The filling fees have been reviewed and it stand as GH¢50 at the SRC level and GH¢20 cedis at the level of the other councils.

5. The Dean of the Law Faculty has given the JC thumbs up to keep the KSRCJ; thus law reports of judgements by the Various courts at the Law Library. Talks will be made with the Dean and the LSU editorial and library board to allow JCs who are non-law students to access the library for the law reports. This is to ensure insistence on judicial precedence; a fundamental doctrine of our legal system and tradition.

6. A judicial training program for all JCs to teach them civil procedure, writing judgements, constitutional interpretation, etc It would be an intensive two days program.

7. Finally, All constitutional amendments are to be limited to provisions separating the Various Judicial committees from the executive committees; provision to capture a legal affairs commissions of the various departments, faculties, colleges and halls; insert a provision on non-disqualification of candidates during vetting (elections). The various Departments, Faculties, Colleges and Halls are to begin the amendment process.

This reform is expected to be in motion effective immediately. His Lordship further stated emphatically that a Judicial training for all JCs is in place to teach them civil procedures, judgement writing and constitutional interpretations.



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