Mahmud Abdul Waliu Kabore endorses the candidature of Ken Kafui Kwameh and his vice Miss Bridget Maame Dentu


I’ve been in KNUST and I’ve been monitoring the political terrain for 3 years and I’m very familiar with quiet a lot; that is not to say I’m ‘Mister Know All’. Over the years a couple of us have seen and witnessed our political system tampered with by hands outside the school, people who call themselves or have grown to be known as so called ‘Political gods’; some, themselves, have never appeared on a ballot sheet nor screen before while others are also failed and corrupt past leaders who have no better legacy to show.
These are people who have completed school and one would expect they will use their energy and wisdom to get a descent job or get something better doing other than using gullible and greedy student politicians like themselves as chess pieces on chessboards to thwart our systems and get corrupt leaders who they can control elected into power. Their influences over the years have marred several administrations from department level to even SRC level, turned good students who could have made very good and influential student leaders into corrupt leaders and crooks.
As a student activist, I have taken it upon myself to enlighten my fellow students on what is happening behind the scenes. I want to use this article as a starting point to speak to students and educate them on why they shouldn’t vote or choose leaders that are backed by these people because they are diabolical. They employ every means possible to make sure their pawns win even if it means resorting to clandestine and unacceptable means. The onus lie on us students who wants the best for our departments, faculties, colleges and the Student Representative Council to stop electing candidates who are backed by these crooks who feast on our dues after their pawns win power.
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences for examples has seen almost all its aspirants being backed by some of these political gods (past presidents and students of the college who call themselves managers) and they are doing all sorts of unacceptable things. They are going around shamefully bragging and admitting that they have the system and they will have their way through this election by hook or crook. *I want to encourage  all ECs who are doing a great job to continue their  good work, similarly I am sending  a strong warning to all  those ECs who have planned to sell the integrity of our ELECTORAL process that, I have fellow students on the grounds monitoring the process and that those who will fall as victims will face the full penalty of their actions* .
One candidate, whom I have personally seen to have disassociated himself from these  so called MANAGERS is Ken Kafui Kwameh. He is not being backed by any of these ‘hoodlums’ and he has proven to be one of those candidates running a clean campaign. As if that was not enough,  Kafui has as well chosen a nice and intelligent young  lady as his Vice, one thing that is very commendable and also a confirmation that  *Kafui believes THE GIRL CHILD IS ALSO CAPABLE.*
I’m calling on all students in COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (COHSS) who have the best interest of their college at heart to throw their support behind this young man and lady and help *COHSS* release itself from the shackles of these greedy young men who think they own the college and that we can’t have leaders without their intervention.
To conclude, I *MAHMUD  ABDUL WALIU KABORE* officially endorse the candidature of *Ken Kafui Kwameh and his vice  Miss  Bridget Maame Dentu* for all students in the college. Let’s all come together and promote diversity and honesty in our leadership.
Remember this is *A STEP TO SAVE  COHSS.*




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