SCISA TODAY: College Of Science Provost Set to Clear the Air on Supplementary Exams Today.

The Provost of the College of Science, Prof. Leonard K. Amekudzi is set to provide clarifications and dispel confusion with regards to the supplementary exams amidst the abnormalities posed by the COVID-19 pandemic on a much anticipated SCISA TODAY PODCAST SHOW. The show which is scheduled today 24th September, 2020 at 16:30 GMT with Julius Acheampong Kwabena as the Host/Moderator, will have the president of the college, Michael Abuah as a co-guest alongside the special guest, Prof. Leonard K. Amekudzi.

Citing from a one page document signed by the deputy Public Relations Officer of the college, VINCENT JOHNSON ATTAKPAH, the discussions on the show will be geared towards the following concerns of SCISANS, which were gathered by the academic board through the "ASKPROINITIATIVE" and subject to address by the appropriate authorities. Out of the 261 responses, the dominant concerns were as follows

  • Timely Release of semester's Academic results for effective preparation.
  • Early release of the Supplementary exams Timetable to ensure adequate and timely preparation.
  • Clarifications on Supplementary Exams Registration and it's accompanying process.
  • Provision of accommodation to relieve SCISANS of accommodation stress.

The Public Relations Officer further assured that, the Administration has considered the concerns of SCICANS in good faith and has placed on priority, the appeal for campus accommodation as well. 

Story by Dachaga Batiey Roger/KNUSTTigerEye


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