Is The SRC Duty Bound❓

The Duty Bound
My heart is shattered when the candid meaning of leadership has not yet sank in the hearts of our "so-called " leaders.  Frankly, I am troubled and quiver in despair whenever I mull over the future of KNUST.  The future with the "bigger picture," which became the "duty bound," hence, the former was supposed to correspond latter; even relentless, but this seems bleak. The current SRC president, Mr Adu Baah Charles once stated, "I strongly believe in leaving legacies in the lives of students populace." I'm not trying to be a thorn in one's side; but have we considered and questioned, at least in our minds, what genre of legacy he is leaving behind? I live you to judge with an unbiased mind. During his campaign era, ABC surely won the hearts of people alongside the sympathy votes as well. KNUST thought he was going to be the "Messiah" of our time and redeem us as needed. Though he stood for the portfolio last year but things didn't go well, I perceived he wasn't much perturbed, seeing his zeal to serve KNUST. In all those circumstances, he shrugged off all the pains; and still being optimistic, he arose in the new dawn of hope and the light did shine on him. The students were convinced that he was going to operationalize change; but I'm afraid, he is far from that.

Let's consider a few things to buttress the assertion that I'm afraid, as a leader leading from the front, you should be a man of your word but why do you make promises to win hearts of people to work for you and later turn your back on them? Why would you hurt the expectation of those whom you took the oath of office to serve? There'd been an instance, as we all heard in the news, when our President was assaulted, alongside with some of his appointees. The matter was taken to court and the culprits were fined 10k each. But then why did you make those promises if you were not going to keep them? There'd been another instance of the issue of the inequitable distribution of "Ketewa Biara Nsua" fund (KBN). Here lies the situation, His Excellency made a promise to the "Agenda Boys" that they will get huge sums of money from the KBN funds. Without being skeptical, the KBN has become a norm or institutionalized into our system as the compensation for "Agenda Boys" with no political ambitions. As the old adage goes, "Nsa K), Na Nsa Aba," which literally means give and take, this is applied here. And every Tom, Dick and Harry who aided in his campaign was looking forward to receiving whatever amount he promised, but he duped them.
Mr President, a man who can't honor his words is without honor. My fellow Christian folks attest what the Bible states, "good name is better than riches." Also, what about the free accommodation to some "Agenda Boys" at the SRC hostel? Since when did the President give rooms out to "Agenda Boys"? There's no proper word to describe this, other than IDIOCY.

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Let's look at this as well: the issue relating to TekTalk is one which is very appalling and unpardonable. Let me take you to the genesis of this programme. This grand occasion was initiated in 2015 by Boakye Nyamekye Isaac (BNI), as part of his campaign policies. Critics did attack the idea, but considering how salient it was, it was bowed to by all. Kudos to Mr Isaac on leaving this legacy of positive influence.
I write not to bring shame to the SRC but I must say TekTalk was a total mess and downpour of disgrace to the frontiers. Advertisement of the program was poorly formulated, to the extent that even half of the student populace were ignorant about it. I do not know if the SRC was naive and acted dumb as a bay of hammers. The underwhelming aspect of all was that the SRC president, Mr Adu Baah Charles (Chairman I greet you) was not punctual. Maybe he was scheduled to end with grace for all who were present. Is this the change we voted for? All humans are not perfect, I'm not inciting that there's suppose to be perfection but they could have worked something out.

Moreover, it is explicit that there's no Unity amongst the duty bound administration. I can say on authority that, the ABC and Nazir administration is a friends and agenda boys government, coming from both side of the equation and therefore have not been able to correlate their aims and work out well. If the frontier of the student leadership who are at the helm of affairs are disintegrated and unprepared like someone going to write calculus, how then do you want transparency, accountability and true leadership to reign? I was astonished when the General Secretary, Miss Serwaa Akoto sued Mr Danso Maxwell in the law court for not consulting the executive board before publishing the budget. Before I forget, isn't the SRC Financial Secretary, in the accordance to the SRC constitution, Article 25(6) suppose to paste on all notice boards the budget of the SRC when the semester commence. Until now, the SRC has failed in complying with the constitution. I wonder if these are the same leaders, who will be spearheading the affairs of Mother Ghana, then we better make preparations to sing a dirge for our country.

In addition, if these so-called leaders had respect for the freedom of the press and not assaulted Mr Opey Joshua for voicing his views on the tragic TekTalk event, I would have kept my mouth shut and preserve the little dignity I have left. What is wrong if you are being kept on toes as government? Or is he now heading for the Kwame Nkrumah's regime when press media was suppressed. Then why  the attack on Mr Opey by the TekTalk Chairman ? This is idiocy to the highest degree. To make certain clarifications here, there's always an iota of truth in every publication made by the activist. Is it that ABC and his team are obscure on how to run the office and are too pompous and smug to ask for aid? Wasn't the founder of TekTalk BNI around when the program flopped? And exorbitant amount of Ghc 51,000 was used yet people used Tai Kwando in getting item 13, they fought over it because of it’s scarcity.

Abraham Lincoln once stated, "nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character give him power". Mr President, the power is in your hands. You always made assertion to the Bigger picture for KNUST and you will achieve it by being duty bound, regardless, Hmm the time is Now!!!! If it must be done, it must be done well. But always have in mind that, Albert Einstein said, "an empty stomach is not a good political adviser". Let him keep in mind that, to who much is given, much is expected.

I grieve as I pen all these down. Are these the future leaders of Ghana? Oh mother Ghana, I now comprehend the pain you go through, because the attitude of the people is static and poor, not facilitating change. I write not condemn, for I can't reach out for redemption, but rather to urge this administration that we still look out for the best in store for the student populace.  Praise to Kwadwo Nketia Fidelis (KNF), for coining the term, "For God And For Country". And to Kierra Ama Purple, I say kudos for your artistic writing.

I am Adabanka Edmond (ADB), a third year Sociologist and I am BLACK and PROUD.

Long Live Africa🌍
Long Live Mother Ghana πŸ‡¬πŸ‡­
Long Live KNUST. 

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